Friday, 29 January 2010

Evaluation Question Four

In my planning I used a lot of influential pictures on schizophrenia and got a lot of background information on it.

I found information on schizophrenia which I put on my blog; this was a good starting point because it helped me with the characteristics of my character.

I did a post on my blog about target audience because this is something I will have to consider, what will teenagers and young adults want to see in a horror?

I found that helped a lot with not only my coursework grade but kept me organised, I knew what I was doing more because I put in on my blog for others and myself to see

Youtube played a big part in my coursework preparation because I was able to watch trailers that were very inspirational and made me think about how I wanted mine to look like.

Photoshop is very important in my coursework as a managed to get a good quality poster and magazine, it is easy enough to use and can be used to create many different effects.

The apple macs are also easy to use, with access to them we are able to create film trailers to the best of our ability because there are many effects to put in as well as putting in music.

We had the access to both still and video cameras which obviously play a massive part in our coursework, without them we wouldn’t be able to film or take the pictures of our ancillary tasks and people would have to find cameras outside of school for their projects and not everyone has access to them.

It is really good and helpful how the school also supply us with tripods for our filming because it really makes it better quality

It makes all the difference having access to photo shop and a good editing suite because it means students can work on their tasks in their own time on top of class time.

Another programme that i found very helpfull was garage band because i was able to create a small soundtrack to go with my trailer, without garage band my trailer wouldnt be as effective because the music plays a big part in setting the atmosphere for my "film". I find garage band easy to use and effective because I am able to use different instruments over eachother to create which ever mood/genre of music i want to.

Teachers helped with our research by giving us advice about researching about our target audience and also teaching us they key points such as Diegetic and Non-Diegetic sound.

I think the A2 media coursework went well overall with a few problems but they were overcome.

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